Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Comprehensive Network Monitoring Tool

Try this 30 day free trial, guaranteed you will love it!


Use PRTG to Monitor Your Applications and Services!

PRTG Network Monitor is the first choice for more than 150,000 network administrators at worldwide organizations from small businesses through the Fortune 100.

PRTG does more than providing easy, failsafe and complete control over your network. Being a versatile solution, PRTG also monitors your application servers and services as whole - and not only single aspects of these.

PRTG Network Monitor comes with pre-configured sensors for applications and services such as

and others.

Why don't you use PRTG as one central point of information for all of your major applications, too? PRTG will give you an overview of your entire network, including devices and direct infrastructure. Additionally you will get the statusof your application servers and the performance statistics of these. Whenever a service is not reachable, or thresholds are breached, you will be alerted immediately. And if you do not hear anything from PRTG, no news is good news and the network should be running perfectly :)

Try it yourself and get the free, 30-days test version now. You will have it up and running in less than 5 minutes.



1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing this information. But is it user-friendly software? How much will it cost to have it?
